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Bridesmaids Dresses: Best of 2013

We've been scrolling through 2013, reveling over the stunning Lowcountry weddings that graced our pages, and have decided that it only makes senses to share some of our favorite moments from some of our most pinned Hilton Head, Myrtle Beach and Charleston weddings...and trust me, we've got some beauties. To kick off it best of 2013 series, we're revving the engines by showcasing our top 25 southern bridal parties and their stylish bridesmaids dresses that made for  our favorite coastal weddings of the year. Enjoy!

Best of 2013: Bridesmaids Dresses

1. Long, bright pink bridesmaids dresses in Jake + Kristen's Charleston wedding at Boone Hall Plantation captured by Carmen Ash Photography - found in the premier issue of A Lowcountry Wedding Mag!

2. Peacock blue beachy bridesmaids dress from Sara + Nick's Citadel Beach House wedding on the Isle of Palms via Carmen Ash Photography.

3. Vibrant, purple bridesmaids dresses at Lindsay + Pat's Boone Hall Plantation wedding in Mount Pleasant, SC via Shannon Michele Photography.

4. Pale, pink bridesmaids gowns in Ashley + James'  William Aiken House wedding in Charleston, SC captured by Brandon Lata Photography.

5. Mismatched, pastel bridesmaids dresses in Sarah + Ryan's Charleston wedding at Upstairs at Midtown photographed by Riverland Studios.

6. Beachy, turquoise bridesmaids dress from Lauren + Mark's Folly Beach wedding photographed by Riverland Studios.

7. One shoulder, long pink bridesmaids dresses from Whitney + Jamie's Boone Hall Plantation wedding in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina photographed by STUDIO 1250 Photography.

8. Icy blue bridesmaids dresses in Kate + Nate's Carolina Yacht Club wedding captured by Riverland Studios.

9. Navy, long-sleeved lace bridesmaids dresses from Jessica + Joe's Founders Hall wedding via Paige Winn Photo.

10.Peach, one-shoulder bridesmaids dresses from Aoibheann + Bryan's Lowndes Grove wedding photographed by Kelly Rae Stewart. Photography.

11. Navy, one-shouldered bridesmaids dresses in Ashley + Drew's Charleston wedding at the Island House via Riverland Studios.

12. Red, one-shouldered bridesmaids dresses in Mandy + Nick's Charleston wedding at the Daniel Island Club via Bri McDaniel Photography.

13. One-shouldered, blue bridesmaids dresses in Meg + Justin's Heritage Plantation wedding captured by Priscilla Thomas Photography.

14. Green, lace bridesmaids dresses from Morgan + Kyle's Dunes West Golf Club wedding in Charleston, SC captured by Riverland Studios.

15. Neutral bridesmaids dresses with varying necklines from Megan + Mike's Magnolia Plantation wedding via amelia + dan photography.

16.  Vibrant, purple bridesmaids dresses in Chris + Marcy's Southern wedding at the Reid Barn via Brita Photography.

17. Strapless, persimmon gowns at Tamika + Juan's Lowcountry Legare Waring House wedding via Fia Forever Photography.

18. Mismatched, gold sparkly bridesmaids dresses at Justin + Anne's Lowndes Grove wedding captured by Riverland Studios.

19.Strapless, navy bridesmaids dresses at Sue + Brian's Nautical wedding at the Boathouse captured by Dana Cubbage Photography.

20. Pale, pink LulaKate bridesmaids dresses at Kristin + Brendan's Charleston wedding at Hibernian Hall captured by Shannon Michele Photography.

21. Navy bridesmaids dresses in Kellie + Andrew's USS Yorktown wedding in Charleston via Monika Gauthier Photography.

22. Mistmatched, neutral bridesmaids dresses from Morgan + Austin's Lowcountry wedding photography by Jeanne Mitchum Photography.

23. Navy bridesmaids dresses at Christina + Ervin's Alhambra Hall wedding in Mount Pleasant, SC from Sea Star Arts Photography.

24.  Blue bridesmaids dresses with coral shawls at Brian + Kim's Rice Mill Building wedding from Paige Winn Photo.

25. Persimmon, LulaKate bridesmaids dresses in Bevin + Casey's DeBordieu wedding from Carmen Ash Photography.