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A Lowcountry Wedding Magazine Premiere Issue: Sneak Peek!

So, I know we've taken a bit of a blog hiatus, but I promise it's been for a great cause!  Over the past few months, we've been slaving away over the premiere issue of A Lowcountry Wedding mag.   It's been quite the process, we've been planning shoots, selecting real weddings and attempting to figure out the world of InDesign.  We've had a few hang ups with some things behind the scenes, so we thank you for your patience!  With it being our first issue, everything has taken a little longer than expected, but we'd rather have it perfect then send out something we're not 100% proud of...and we promise you're it's going to  be well worth the wait!  So, to hold you over until the end of the week, we thought you'd give you a sneak peek of the beautiful cover shot by the talented Angela Cox Photography at the stunning RiverOaksAsh and Co. Bridal killed it with model Katie Cockman hair and makeup, as she rocked a gorgeous LulaKate gown and that beautiful Moon and Lola necklace....Do you like!?!

charleston weddings, hilton head, myrtle beach via angela cox photgraphy at riveroaks