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wine and cheese

Catering: Cocktail Hour Wedding Hors d'Oeuvres

I've always been a big fan of cocktail hour (and not just because I enjoy a good specialty drink), but it sets the stage for the entire evening.  Cocktail hour typically begins as guests start to file into the reception venue and are anxiously awaiting the bride and groom's arrival.  As they wait for the celebration to kick off, it's always nice to treat your guests to a preview of the menu to come.  Wedding hors d'oeuvres are a great way to get the party started and, let's face it, who doesn't love being greeted by servers with trays full of delicious appetizers!  I've rounded up some of my recent favorites that are very fitting for a spring/summer affair! Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings

Charleston Weddings, Hilton Head Weddings, Myrtle Beach Weddings, Savannah Weddings