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wedding guest book

Lowcountry Wedding Details

I hope everyone had a fabulous, Fall weekend!  We're kicking off this week with a round-up of some of our current obsessions.  With the help of our trusty friend Pinterest, we ran across a handful of these details that would be the perfect addition to your Lowcountry wedding day :) southern wedding details we love that are perfect for every charleston wedding, hilton head wedding, myrtle beach

For whatever reason, trying to find something to hold your wedding cards that doesn’t look completely lame or cheesy tends to be a difficult task.  This simple, yet classic, mailbox does the trick for any Charleston wedding.  Surrounded with hydrangeas and candlelit, it’s the perfect addition to your outdoor, Plantation wedding under the Lowcountry stars!

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This is something I wish I would have done at our reception.  It was one of the many things that gets tossed to the side when you are frantically trying to tie up loose ends the weeks before you wedding.  It’s a touching note to all of your guests expressing how much you appreciate the time and money they spent to be present at your big day.  Let’s face it, most weddings in the Lowcountry are destination weddings which means your guest will be traveling tens of hundreds of miles to make it to Charleston, Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach, so it’s only appropriate to properly, and genuinely, tell them just how much it means to you.

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Wedding day is crazy.  It doesn’t matter how laid back you are in your normal life, the day-of, things are always like a blur, which is why I think breaking it up with an adorable text for your bridal party to your groom would be an unexpected surprise.

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I’m almost glad I didn’t give my dad something like this.  There were enough tears as it was!  But I think this little handkerchief would be an oh-so touching and meaningful memento.

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I just think this could be hilarious.  This little gem could substitute as your guest book and it gives your guests a chance to share their thoughts about you and your husband.  There is no telling the sweet (or crazy) stories some of them may remember.

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...and finally, how adorable is this embroidered tie?  Not only is it a sweet touch, but it makes the perfect keepsake for your Lowcountry wedding day!


 Happy Planning!