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Bridget + Trent's Beaufort Inn wedding by Kim Box Photography

Bridget + Trent's Beaufort Inn wedding by Kim Box Photography

Bridget + Trent's Beaufort Inn wedding by Hilton Head vendor Kim Box Photography - A Lowcountry Wedding Magazine

Fairytale Wedding at Boone Hall Plantation

Fairytale Wedding at Boone Hall Plantation

ReAnne + Tyler's Fairytale wedding at Boone Hall Platnation in Chaleston, South Carolina by Lowcountry vendors Riverland Studios, Duvall Events and Pinnacle Charleston

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens Wedding by JoPhoto

Magnolia Plantation and Gardens Wedding by JoPhoto

Charleston Magnolia Plantation and Gardens Wedding in September with a blue, purple and beige color palette and cascading orchi bouquet by JoPhoto, Sticky Fingers, Lashes and Lace Bridal Hair and Makeup