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Mint Wedding Inspiration

It's no secret that mint is this wedding season's 'it' color and I couldn't be more excited.  We're kind of obsess with mint wedding inspiration.  I've always loved how this soft, sweet color pairs well with any Springtime pastel shade.  If you're planning a timeless, dainty affair then make sure to check out our darling round up of the perfect ways to keep your wedding minty fresh! charleston weddings, Hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

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charleston weddings, Hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

charleston weddings, Hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

charleston weddings, Hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings


charleston weddings, Hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings

Southern Weddings {Peach Chic}

I've been developing quite a fancy for the color peach recently, especially when it's used in a  Spring or Summer Wedding.  It's such a soft, sophisticated color and it works well in a classic Lowcountry  Wedding...and I'm really loving that chic floral arrangement and understated cake!
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings and featuring peach wedding inspiration, details Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs