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Kirsten + Travis {Tennessee Engagement}

I don't know about yall, but down South we've been experiencing some pretty fabulous (and unseasonable) weather.  We're talking it's suppose to hit 70 degrees by the end of the week.  It's like heaven, I hope Fall never ends. Best. December. Ever.  So, today I thought I would share one of my favorite Autumn Engagements from KLP Photography.  I'm absolutely obsessed with these perfectly timeless and Southern images.  Not only are Kirsten + Travis adorable but they took full advantage of their Eastern Tennessee surroundings.  What's not to love about gorgeous horses, rustic barns and breathtaking views?
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography
I mean, is this for real!?
 Charleston weddings blog, myrtle beach weddings blog, Hilton Head weddings blog, lowcountry weddings blog, klp photography