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Old Wide Awake Wedding {Erika + Mitch}

Amy-Marie Kay Photography had me at ‘Red Velvet Whoopie Pies’...and I have a feeling she's got you too!  One glance of those bad boys and I knew that this Charleston wedding had to grace the pages of A Lowcountry Wedding!  Truth be told, the Whoopie Pies weren’t even the best part!  The adorable couple, perfect photography and indescribable setting makes this one for the books.  This gorgeous Fall fete took place at the charming Old Wide Awake Plantation where guests were welcomed to an intimate, outdoor ceremony on the steps before celebrating the night away under the Lowcountry stars! charleston weddings

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Charleston Wedding Vendors

Photographer: Amy-Marie Kay Photography  l  Venue: Old Wide Awake Plantation  /  Caterer: Duvall Catering, Home Team Barbeque  /  Floral Designer:  Charleston Flower Market Equipment Rentals:  EVENT DRS  /  Transportation:  Charleston Private Car  /  Bakery:  Bakehouse Charleston  /  Event Venue:  Old Wideawake Plantation