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Charleston Weddings {Champagne Cocktails}

If the Lowcountry knows how to do one thing right, it's how to have a good time and, of course, that good-natured spirit always spills over to our weddings!  We love good Southern cookin', a salty coastal breeze and a stiff, fruity cocktail :)  I regularly get asked about fun, new specialty drinks that everyone will enjoy.  Well, I ran across this guide to champagne cocktails and thought it would be very fitting for some of our Lowcountry brides.  Not only would they be perfect for a Charleston wedding, but could hit the nail on the head for a bridal shower, bridesmaids luncheon...or a Tuesday night :) Enjoy! a lowcountry wedding blog showcasing daily charleston weddings, hilton head weddings, myrtle beach weddings, southern weddings, charleston wedding blogs, hilton head wedding blogs, myrtle beach wedding blogs