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Ashley - Waco, Texas

Today is a two-post kinda day (you can thank me later!) that we're going to kick off with a gorgeous Texas bridal session from Fort Worth photographer Lyncca HarveySouthern bride Ashley selected the historic Earle-Harrison House & Pape Gardens as the venue and Lyncca was able to take advantage of all the house had to offer.  The bride was all smiles as her talented team of vendors made sure she was dolled up for the beautiful afternoon.  While florist, Paul Farney Floral Productions designed to a rich bouquet (that I am loving!) that complimented the bride's style.  
Aren't these just gorgeous?
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A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
and for my favorite...
A Lowcountry wedding blogs showcasing daily Charleston weddings, Myrtle Beach weddings and Hilton Head weddings, lowcountry weddings and featuring lyncca harvey photography, Charleston wedding blogs, Hilton Head wedding blogs and Myrtle Beach wedding blogs
photographer: lyncca harvey photography  /   hair stylist: debbie carroll  / 
dress designer: caraline sposa  /  floral designer:  paul farney floral productions  / 
reception venue: earle-harrison house & pape gardens  /  makeup artist: sandra shapiro