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15 Gal Meets Glam Dresses to Refresh your Spring Wardrobe

15 Gal Meets Glam Dresses to Refresh your Spring Wardrobe

We are weeks away from springtime and some days it even feels like it’s already here - hello 70 degrees! We are itching to pack up our winter coats and load up our closets with some new spring gear and the team at Gal Meets Glam has just what we’re looking for. Not only are these pretties perfect for a day around town but they also can work oh-so-well for any of our pre- or post-wedding dress needs - we’re talking bridal showers, engagement parties, rehearsal dinners and even honeymoons! So take a peek at some of the current offerings and snag a dress (or two!) for your upcoming festivities. While you’re at it, take a peek at our favorite maxi dresses, espadrilles and wedges, self-tanners and accessories to round out your wardrobe.